The coquette community or the rebranding of the nymphet aesthetic has brought more attention to the problematic side of the community and questions about what it really stands for
The biggest problem in the community
The community is based on the book and movies of Vladimir Nabokov’s book lolita which has an unreliable narrator Humbert Humbert who has a very unsavory attraction to young girls which makes the masses assume the aesthetic is based on the relationship almost like a DDLG type of aesthetic that is not what the aesthetic is based on it is based on the female lead Dolores Haze which is important to remember
Coquettes villain or victim
As previously said the aesthetic is based on Dolores Haze but why would some relate to a girl like Dolores most coquettes or nymphets related to her in a way that their childhood was taken from them in the way of grooming sexual assault childhood abuse from a loved one ect.. in the way that most readers misinterpreted Dolores as a seducer a lot of people assume coquettes want to be sexual assault victims but most coquettes are already survivors which inter makes other coquettes who feel shame about being in the community disregard s/a survivors and say coquette is just an aesthetic just clothes instead of a subculture that shares experiences and is a space for survivors to communicate with other survivors of childhood trauma, not just sexual assault
But can the sick lead the sick
As said before a lot of coquettes have experienced childhood trauma but does this prompt having childhood trauma or aestheticize it in my opinion no any mentally sound person wouldn’t want to give themselves trauma but it exposes the people who already have it to community which creates problems around getting professional help from a therapist the sick can’t lead the sick and childhood trauma if not treated can lead to self-harm decision making like talking to much older men under age drinking or physical so far
Instead of trying to Guide and protect girls and women, the mainstream blames them for promoting pedo culture in situations were is unreasonable most coquettes do not sexualize themselves at all especially not for older men most coquettes explore their flirtiness in an age-appropriate way to reclaim their childhood